Saturday, October 29, 2011

Harry Potter and sewing.

I've been listening to Harry Potter audiobooks for the last two days- I don't have them in book form, and it's awesome to listen to them while you're sewing or doing stuff. At the moment I'm listening to Chamber of Secrets, chapter 11. :3 I can't wait for Pottermore to open for everyone~ I absolutely adore the Potterverse, and Pottermore is one of the best ideas ever! x3 I'd so want to marry Rowling's brains...

I wanna play something, but I don't know what... Not feeling like Assassin's Creed even though I should get some hours on that. In a way I feel like playing Sims... But I haven't got it installed atm. Or maybe the old Ceasar III. Hmmmmmm. I would want to make a fur hat though, but I don't want to make a mess in the living room with fur bits just now.

I really want to get good at sewing dolly clothes cos I would want to, at some point, start selling them. :3 I would need to buy a new sewing machine before that though. Mine is a really cheap one that has some serious issues... I also need to make some more patterns~

 I've been sewing quite a bit in the last two days, but unfortunately the pictures I took turned out a bit blurry. And I forgot to take a picture of the muff I made. :C

For some reason, I kinda like her pose. xD
So shirt and skirt #2

I had to take a picture of this pose...

I do really like this waist 'corset'.
And the fabric makes you want to pet it constantly. xD

Top and skirt #1

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Another life update, but this time, with TRANSFORMERS!!!

I can't believe my housemate had never heard of the Flying Spaghetti Monster! I knew about it, but today at work, while we had nothing to do in the morning, I spent almost 2 hours reading stuff on Wikipedia (one of the only sites that we can access there). The Church of Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM) also known as Pastafarianism, was one of the topics I spent my free time on. (That's why I also decided to read a bit on intelligent design. Why ppl, WHY?) Also I got introduced to the Invisible Pink Unicorn. I love people with brains at times. I really should read more 'intelligent' stuff - these days I don't read anything really serious anymore. Most of my reads consist of crime books or humor these days. Need some food for thought!!! 'Cos otherwise I will just be a dumb fakeblond who's not blond at the moment.
Bit random, but have to show you; One of the best Transformer Costumes ever!
Every now and then I have to look this up, because it's absolutely awesome! :3

Tech-update! So the monster-laptop. I added some thermal grease from my old laptop to it as we didn't have any, and surprisingly the overheating went to normal levels- aka back to what it was before we started doing stuff to this thing. BUT, today while I was at work, my boy discovered that our housemate had some thermal grease! So while I was away, he cleaned the old one off, and put on some new stuff on, and lookie what happened! The laptop has been on from 6pm and it's still going! Before it would have needed a breather every few hours probably. I really can't believe how much of a difference it made! I didn't know new grease would make this much of a difference!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

"Fashion" ahoy!

So as I said, I wanted to try and do 7 different outfits with one garment for some reason, and I did end up doing it! xD Yay! I did have quite a bit of fun, and to be honest, most of these combinations I would definitely wear as they are my style. Please do excuse the cheesy posing- I was having way too much fun with that! I dubbed it in my head as the "7 day challenge", for no particular reason, other than the fact that I did 7 outfits!

7 Day Challenge

Plain and Simple

Is it getting cold?

Black & Red


Time to Work
(Pay no mind to the shoes- the ones I was supposed to wear had been in the closet too long and had a spider's web inside them, so I Could Not wear them....)

Is it supposed to be a Rock-Chick?!


So really. Please don't call them.


Sooooo! Had a great meet with some dolly people from DOA today! I took waaaay too many pictures! So this post is just gonna be a huge pic-spam. On with the show!

Pan gets straight to business while Akudem's Seraph (Soom Sard) gets baffled by her boldness.

Surprisingly enough it doesn't take too much effort to get his attention...

Will he take the bait?!

Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far, away across the table:
Llrael's Carisma (Luts Lolly) is... walking on a tightrope?!

"What a nice- *tie*, you've got there... *Waggles eyebrows*"

"I think I prefer it when she keeps her mouth shut"

Again, in the meantime, something is about to transpire...
Carisma and HarleyQuinnBJD's Shilo (DIM Eileen) seem to be plotting something...

And what makes me think so? 

Whoa! Now what's going on in here?!

It seems that Mr To-Be-Sephiroth/Judge doesn't mind Pan's company that much...

"O M G..."

 Pan: "I'll just surreptitiously put my hand on her thigh..."
Star Valo's Cuprit (Soom Cuprit): "What the..?!"
Seraph: "SCORE!!!"

 Cuprit: "What am I supposed to do?!?!"

Pan: "Damn. I think she spotted me."

 Dunno. Maybe Cuprit thought that gods can't see you if you're lying down...

Pan: "Hot Damn!"
Seraph: "Hello? I'm still here!"

It might have just dawned on Cuprit that this was a BAD idea.
Meanwhile, proving that I was correct:
Carisma: "MIB"

"Put up your arms and all your flippers."

Back at EEK-central:
Pan: "Well hellou there!"
Cuprit: "EEK."

Seraph: "I can't believe this is happening. Two hot chicks, and neither of them is drooling over me!"

*Fell asleep*

HarleyQuinnBJD's Harper (Leekeworld Mihael): "Dude, there's something going on over there!"
Phoenix-Faeries's Raven (Bobobie Song): "Laa-di-daaa-daa~ Hmmmm-mmm-mm~"

Harper: "DUDE! I can't see!"
Raven: "He's way too loud. I'm outta here!"

Raven: "Oh man. This was NOT the plan."

"To do, or not to do?"

Seraph: "What the..?! She's onto the next one?!?!"
"That's just Fine. FINE. FINE!"

You're on America's UK's America's Next Top Model!

Pan: "You're leaning on a sugar bowl dude."
Harper: "....."

Harper: "♥♥♥ Well that's because you make my muscles go weak. ♥♥♥"
Pan: "Seducing men is easier than taking candy from a baby!"


*"Surreptitiously" moves hand*
Pan: "What is taking you so long!?!? It's a BOOB, not a bomb!"

 Seraph has decided that Cuprit might need some help with the shock of being fondled by Pan.


So the rest of these are more like plain portraits and randomness.

A major wig malfunction occured...

No. Someone didn't go crazy with the scissors and murder Pan's hair, nor did she start losing her hair!
(I just changed her wig to a brown fur one...)

 This little dolly is Star Valo's friend's Hujoo Baby Suve.
(In my mind she has been dubbed Baldie. x3)

 There is something really weird going on in this photo! ;0.o

Do you spot anything strange in the picture?

What about now?

I hate the fact that Pan can look sooo good in so many different wigs. Makes me want to buy her more wigs (that she DOESN't need).

Meet Mr Cover-Of-EVERY-Romance-Novel-Known-To-Man!

Grey looks way too good on her! ;;>.<

Here be Sephiroth!
 Unfortunately my camera died before we discovered his second identity- Mr Judge!

I do like this photo quite a bit, even though it is a little bit too blurry, as the camera decided to focus on Pan's curls and necklace instead of her or Harper's face! 

And now these two pictures are my favourites:

That's all folks!
Next time I'll show you what I did about my 7 ways to wear one garment! x3 I had fuuun~

 Bonus pic! Someone wanted camera time!
(Phoenix-Faerie's Ren [Bobobie Elfkin])