I'm really, really tired at the moment, as I've been working 'hard' again. AKA just working, but having to take long commutes- but this time at stupid-o-clock in the morning, so I've been completely dead.
This is probably gonna be a very short post, as I really needed to do, was to show off the movie I bumped into. :3 So if you haven't heard of it, or seen it, I'd recommend you give 'Life in a Day' a go. Very nice movie. But my judgement might be slightly impaired as my brains ceased functioning about four hours ago. I apologise for any weird sentence structures or misspelled words that might occur during this post. Anyhoo- the movie; very nice, relaxing, easy watch. Give it a go as it is an interesting watch into human life. If I don't make sense, or you want to know more, this is what they say in the description of the movie;
"On July 24th, 2010, thousands of people around the world uploaded videos of their day to YouTube to take part in Life in a Day, a historic cinematic experiment to create a documentary about a single day on earth.
Oscar winning director Kevin Macdonald whittled down over 4500 hours of footage into a 90-minute film that wowed audiences at the Sundance Berlin and SXSW Film Festivals earlier this year."
So, if you are interested to see what this thing is.... Ta-dah!
OR you might wanna go into it's official page~ Life in a Day
Give it a go and tell me what you think; was I sleep deprived and crazy, or did I actually stumble on gold? xD
Adios amigos, I'm off to bed!