Sunday, September 11, 2011

Update on life in general.

I really need to finish the top I started making for Pan. It's been in the makings for about three/four days now, and there really isn't that much left to do! I'm just being stupid and lazy about it. :P

I found my boyfriend's playboy playing cards today! We played a few games before he had to go back to work. He claims he doesn't like them, even though they have some very sexy ladies on them. *winkwink* The chick who is on the Kings isn't that gorgeous though, which makes me wonder how it was decided who gets what number, because for example #6 is absolutely breathtaking! This is a slightly random and weird topic to talk about isn't it? But still! It just baffles me, and I've been thinking about it for half a day now! Grrr.

I keep wanting to make tamagoyaki all the time nowadays as I know how it's made, and how tasty it is when you make it yourself.The only reason I actually tried making it is because I decided that we needed to make some sushi, and as I ADORE tamagoyaki, I had to have it when we'd make sushi. So about a week ago I tested my tamagoyaki-making skills with great success. Funnily enough the trial tamagoyaki looked better than the one I made for the sushi! Beginners luck I guess. But now I just want to make it all the time.

I should go and scout out some foresty spots. All the time I've lived in Oxford not once have I gone out looking for a place to have the photoshoot for Pan's introduction! Unforgivable. But I really have no idea where there'd be a nice secluded foresty spot where I can take photos of a butt-naked doll without people calling the men in white jackets... Pffff... I really do wanna get the story done! But I don't wanna wonder around aimlessly for hours looking for an elusive pretty clearing. Who's being lazy? *raises hand*

Aaanyway, I had something else to talk about as well, but I forgot because my boy came home and we had some pizza. (Mmmm- Pizza Hut cheesy bites... x3) So farewell for now!

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