Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I have a cough.

(I seriously apologise for writing blaaaah posts recently, but annoying things have been happening way too much lately and I feel the need to vent. There is couple pics of Xian though somewhere in this post!)

As title says, I have a cough, which makes trying to stay invisible very hard. I've been up since 6.30am in our living room, in order to see if the rodent will run out of the house if I leave the backdoor open. It hasn't happened yet, though I have only waited for 1½ hours. But I think I may be making too much noise with my cough (or it's sleeping after it's adventures last night), but I can't just leave the door open and go, because then I wouldn't have a clue whether or not it has gone out. But I do have to say, the rodent is getting extremely desperate. It's getting bolder and bolder, because I think it's starting to get really hungry. Last night it had tried to drag the cloth we keep outside the kitchen door, on the living room side, into the kitchen. And it had somehow managed to make stuff from on top of the fridge fall onto the floor- and this isn't one of those tiny little fridges, it is a proper fridge-freezer so it stands taller than me! Though that doesn't take too much. But it is almost the same height as my boyfriend.

I've mentioned that there is mold in our house right? It seems to be a horribly normal thing to have mold in the houses in England for some reason. This is the second place where I have rented and where mold just appears any time there is even a tiny bit of moisture in the air. I'm starting to get quite worried about my health as mold is massively bad for you- it can cause so many problems, and as I'm already someone who has allergies, I don't want any more problems like asthma for example... I'm really hoping that I am just a bit sick or imagining things, because recently I have started feeling dizzy when I sit down upstairs to do stuff on my desk. One of the worst places (in terms of mold) is our bedroom, as there is constantly some on the ceiling (there used to be a leak in our bedroom, so I wouldn't be surprised if there was massive amounts of mold between our ceiling and the roof). And you know that if you can SEE the mold, you've already got a biiiiig problem with it.

For some reason, I'm unable to do some changes to my blog layout- I spent some time yesterday choosing what I wanna do with it, but then I was unable to edit things in the layout section. Quite annoyed about that. So the blog will look like this until the damn thing starts working.

Picture time! I failed to upload the pics to my blog in a timely fashion, but better late than never! I had a go at taking pictures of Xian on my desk during the evening to see if I could use my desk lamp as a light source. It turned out a bit... so-so. I've only got three pictures because I wasn't very happy with most of the pictures. And as you'll notice, these ones have been edited quite a bit as I wasn't a big fan of them.
Xian has two wigs at the moment- her present day hair (red) and the hair from olden days (white). I really want to make the white one more presentable as it is a pain atm, because the weave is LIGHT BROWN instead of white, so you can see it way too much. Isn't she pretty in white though?

Damn. I dunno what I'll be having for breakfast. Cold pizza? I can't heat the pizza as we don't have a microwave and the oven is rodent-central. Pfffff... We've resorted to eating takeaways only for dinner (and lunch, and now possibly for bfast) since we realised where the rodent likes to hide. Please pest control people, come frigging save us!!! I want a home cooked meal!!! Done in a different oven though. Ugh. That shizz needs to go away. I'm off to feed myself now.

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