Sunday, December 8, 2013

How many times can I say "I'm a bit tired", before it gets old?

I am quite beat even though it is my day off. I don't know, probably the tiredness just catches up with me on my days off, when you actually have time to think about it and do something about it... Oh well, I'm going on a holiday after this week! Time to rest! Boooyah!

I saw this thing for making a bit of a family picture of your dolly family (well just any picture with characters really), at I'm Catching Fireflies, and I decided to make a little picture relating to my dolly family/plans. :3

The site to do this at is here, but some options- really NOT work-safe.

Sooo. The picture. From left to right we have; Dorian, Eili, Mr. Manly (still don't know what his name would be), The Hot Twins (names? nooo idea again!), Little Twins (still deciding on names), Xian, and Pan.

I'm not sure how much I've said about the different realities/dimensions that my different dolly families are in- right now, there's 3-5 of them, with different rules to how things work and what is possible. I haven't quite decided if some are actually within the same reality and just unaware each other or whether they are in a completely different dimensions. 

The boys would fall into the "Bread and Games" reality, but I am not quite sure if the Hot Twins are part of that reality, or if they are completely separate and have their own story lines. Though putting them into the same reality with Dorian would be quite fun, as he has a major thing for twins. Dorian and Mr. Manly are brothers by marriage, and Eili is pretty much stuck between Mr. Manly and Karu (not pictured as there was no more characters to use) in a bit of a love triangle... It's a shame how bloody young Eili looks here- he should look a bit older to be honest.

Xian dwells in the "Together Forever" reality (which may actually be the same reality as Pan's - not quite decided on that), where you have angels, demons, and magical beings. Also humans are present, but unaware of the otherworldly creatures and happenings. The pretty Angelo would be part of this reality- I just not have found a nice sculpt for her.

With the Little Twins I have no idea what is going on- what the stories relating to them are and what sort of world they live in. I just wanted the girls, and decided to get them this year. :3 I think they may be in a dimension where there is nothing but them... Because I have this vague idea of the girls being young versions of these twins that are in a coma and inside their own head/alternate reality. I HAVE NO CLUE. We'll see what happens later on.

Then we have the "Godspeed" where  gods, mythical creatures, demons, and humans live. Think of Olympus, the gods, and mythical creatures relating to it; that's what is going on in here. Pan obviously resides here, as s/he is Pan- the God of Nature.

But all said and done, most of these could possibly be folded into one reality, where the different characters just aren't aware of each other- but I'm not sure which I like more, different realities, or everything in the same one.

I got a little delivery couple of days ago from Alice's Collection~ I got the light blue eyes- I don't know if they will be better than the default grey ones I got with the dolls. They seem like they have a higher dome than the grey ones- not quite sure if that's a good thing... :/ Then I got their outfits as well! Cute! The fit is good, the only thing I don't like about them is the snap fasteners- they're plastic and right underneath the little pearly 'buttons', so they are quite hard to close and open easily. I keep thinking I will break them. :S But all in all very happy with them, though I do prefer how they look when worn backwards! I hope to take pictures some time this week!

It's getting late, and I really do need to sleep as my work week is starting tomorrow (working 'till next Saturday- wooo), so good night, day, afternoon- whatever! :D

Monday, December 2, 2013

Package from Angelesque/Dollzone!

My girls have arrived!!! So I present thee- pictures! (I know I've not updated for ages, but goddammit I've been working too much. And drinking/socialising as well, to be honest...)

Weeeee! So I bought the hoodies from Ldoll and I ordered the shoes from ebay a little while ago, but... I have no bottoms for the girls yet. Uuups. I do have an order that has been dispatched and I should be getting them an outfit and a pair of eyes soon enough.

Gotta say, I was surprised with the eyes- I wasn't expecting them, and frankly, they are a goooorgeous grey- which I thought I would have for their eye colour earlier, but then decided to go for light blue. Now...I don't know what I'm gonna do!!! I have a pair of light blue eyes coming, but I'm not sure if I will actually use them now!!! (I'll need to buy them wigs before deciding I think. Just to be sure what I want.. xD)

Seeee? Second head! I'm in the process of widening the eyes on the more open eyed Ami head so that I will have a sleeping and an open eyed version of her. :3 Gotta say, still not impressed with Dollzone on the symmetry department- Ami's eyes were opened different amounts, so even if I hadn't already decided that I needed to open her eyes, I still would have needed to fix the discrepancy. I was kinda expecting it as I know they aren't the best company for symmetry and I know from having ordered a head from them before as well. :P

 And look! Iiiiit's Freddy! Whom I will need to sell off as I will have no need for him. :/ Shame, but true.

 Ohmigaawd these things were so cute! I got a little pearl-matte envelope for each doll/head that I ordered! So cuuute! 


 I had to test out what the bodies could do. Take it away girl!

 Not sure if this is jumping, bug squashing, or both. Or some sorta weird intro to a dance number.

And this just looks freaky from the front with no pants/dress.

On the side, it's quite funny though. 
(This did take some balancing on my part though, and I had my heart in my throat while I was taking the picture...)

So there is my two new girls, Freddy, and the bits that have already arrived for them. I am still not quite sure who I'm gonna get to paint them- I do wanna do it in the relatively near future... but I'm not sure if I will have time!!! x'O Hopefully I will have time to get Ami's eyes opened soon enough so that I can even think about sending them to get taken care of! xS

Also, names. So not sure about them. At the moment, I MAY be going for 'Halla Eleonoora' and 'Jasmiina Talvikki'... But not really sure about that. :/ Other name options are Meri, Minttu, Taru... Maybe even Orvokki, Kieli, and Sinikka. Friggin choices man. I might even have to wait until the little twins have been painted to decide if things don't seem to click before that. And I have no clue what their last name will be!!! Aaaaaaargggghhhhh~~~~~