Monday, December 2, 2013

Package from Angelesque/Dollzone!

My girls have arrived!!! So I present thee- pictures! (I know I've not updated for ages, but goddammit I've been working too much. And drinking/socialising as well, to be honest...)

Weeeee! So I bought the hoodies from Ldoll and I ordered the shoes from ebay a little while ago, but... I have no bottoms for the girls yet. Uuups. I do have an order that has been dispatched and I should be getting them an outfit and a pair of eyes soon enough.

Gotta say, I was surprised with the eyes- I wasn't expecting them, and frankly, they are a goooorgeous grey- which I thought I would have for their eye colour earlier, but then decided to go for light blue. Now...I don't know what I'm gonna do!!! I have a pair of light blue eyes coming, but I'm not sure if I will actually use them now!!! (I'll need to buy them wigs before deciding I think. Just to be sure what I want.. xD)

Seeee? Second head! I'm in the process of widening the eyes on the more open eyed Ami head so that I will have a sleeping and an open eyed version of her. :3 Gotta say, still not impressed with Dollzone on the symmetry department- Ami's eyes were opened different amounts, so even if I hadn't already decided that I needed to open her eyes, I still would have needed to fix the discrepancy. I was kinda expecting it as I know they aren't the best company for symmetry and I know from having ordered a head from them before as well. :P

 And look! Iiiiit's Freddy! Whom I will need to sell off as I will have no need for him. :/ Shame, but true.

 Ohmigaawd these things were so cute! I got a little pearl-matte envelope for each doll/head that I ordered! So cuuute! 


 I had to test out what the bodies could do. Take it away girl!

 Not sure if this is jumping, bug squashing, or both. Or some sorta weird intro to a dance number.

And this just looks freaky from the front with no pants/dress.

On the side, it's quite funny though. 
(This did take some balancing on my part though, and I had my heart in my throat while I was taking the picture...)

So there is my two new girls, Freddy, and the bits that have already arrived for them. I am still not quite sure who I'm gonna get to paint them- I do wanna do it in the relatively near future... but I'm not sure if I will have time!!! x'O Hopefully I will have time to get Ami's eyes opened soon enough so that I can even think about sending them to get taken care of! xS

Also, names. So not sure about them. At the moment, I MAY be going for 'Halla Eleonoora' and 'Jasmiina Talvikki'... But not really sure about that. :/ Other name options are Meri, Minttu, Taru... Maybe even Orvokki, Kieli, and Sinikka. Friggin choices man. I might even have to wait until the little twins have been painted to decide if things don't seem to click before that. And I have no clue what their last name will be!!! Aaaaaaargggghhhhh~~~~~

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