Tuesday, October 8, 2013


So we did a little holiday to Lyon so that I could go to Ldoll at the same time! The drive there was a nightmare as we had barely any sleep the night before and we left at stupid o'clock in the morning for a drive that ended up being about 12 hours long... That was not that pleasant at all. But we made it to Lyon in one piece!

I ended up doing only Saturday at Ldoll as I figured that I should spend some time with my boyfriend as we were holidaying together... It was lovely- I saw some really pretty dolls, bought some things for my new girls, and unfortunately had no camera to take pictures with! I'm thinking that next year I will try to arrange a holiday round the next Ldoll as well. I did fall in love with a doll that I really do not need- it was Sseiren's Ideal lover girl- I don't think she is actually on their website yet- there does seems to be a photo that looks like her on the blog here. The problem I have with her is that she is the wrong size! She's MSD which is putting me a bit off as it is not a size Ireally want. :/ She was gorgeous though! And god was she limber! The body was absolutely amazing movement wise and it also looked beautiful! :3

As I said, I had no camera with me at Ldoll as my boyfriend was doing his stuff while I was at Ldoll, so he had the camera to do touristy things with... But I did get to play with the camera later on! xD

This was the cafe right next to the Cathedral- this just cracked us up!

We quickly popped into the movie museum 'lobby' and they had these miniature sets in the walls- this set was amazing! The whole set was filled with books!

And this was a teeny weeny hospital set- and you can see something a bit different in the reflection...

I gotta say, these guys were a bit random- poking out from the side of the river on a bit rusty pedestal. Bit odd. But they are lovely- I love the hands on these guys! 

I really loved Lyon and the area we stayed in- we weren't in the centre, so the area wasn't that touristy and the restaurant there were great! We did walk around a lot, but we had time and walking is the best way to see a city! Can't wait to go again!

I am getting impatient to get my little girls- now I have some stuff for them and I am feeling like ordering more things that they 'need'... :3 The waiting is horrible! I think I need to turn to shopping to pass the time.

EDIT: Oh jesus, all the cheese we bought just STINKS HORRIBLY!

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